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In His Grip,
Lisa - Warrior, Princess

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

To All the Hommies in the HOUSE

     My house is a wreck. It is a total mess. I have laundry in a basket that should have been folded and put away two days ago. Dishes are in the sink. Papers, books, coats and DVD's are all around the family room. So, if you come over to visit, we will take company in the living room which is totally spotless. Why is it spotless? Because I am a 70's child. The formal living and dining rooms are always perfect because nobody goes in there unless it is a special occasion or a guest visits. 
     Well, if you are Heidi Parres, Maha Maturo, Amy Thomas, Nicole Fitzpatrick, Cheryl Canfield or another one of my close friends who know me and have for decades, you will see the mess because we have an intimate relationship. These persons will see the dirty laundry, mess everywhere and tell me I need to take care of it and give me grace. They know me well. I trust them with my fallacies and weaknesses because they aren't going to judge me or go around town degrading me because my house is dirty and in disarray. They're my hommies. They got my back : )
     In our lives it is necessary to have some hommies, especially as you walk out your journey with Christ. We need people who we allow to see our dirty laundry and closets to help stay accountable to keeping the house (our temple) clean. Hommies are better than just 'a friend' because they will defend you, fight for you, support you, encourage you and correct you. They yearn for you to be the best you can be without comparison to themselves or jealousy. A hommie will cry with you when everything in their life is grand; and praise the Lord with you when everything in their life is falling apart. A hommie will show you where you're wrong and how to be right in love, with grace and mercy. A hommie will not diss you because someone else is or make your friendship based on how those they want favor with feel about you. Most hommies are lifers - life-long friends.
     Here is a great test to know if you are with a hommie or not:

     "As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend." - Proverbs 27:17

     As you spend time with a person do you feel uplifted, encouraged and supported? When you share dreams and hopes do you feel built up with sound wisdom or deflated? When you share your business do they make it theirs to share with others? As you spend time with them are they sharpening your countenance, meaning, helping you become stronger and able to stand in difficult times. Are you smiling and filled with joy or drained and downcast?
     My prayer is if you don't have at least one hommie then, the Lord will bring a true friend your way. And as you wait and search that you would be a true friend to someone in your midst. Always remember that as God provides are hommies on earth, the greatest Hommie is Jesus. He has your back and will always work to sharpen you for greatness.

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