Pure truth is hard to find. There are so many markets selling words of wisdom. Discernment is really needed to wade through all the information that is at our finger tips, literally. As a former journalist, it amazes me how people take what they read or hear as truth without checking out the story or the sources. It's even more amazing how many people are being led astray spiritually due to receiving false doctrine and becoming mesmorized by the charisma of someone before character is weighed. I am thankful, so thankful, that the man behind the pulpit at my church is a preacher of biblical truth and walks his talk. He will not move a centimeter from the Word and he yields to it.
Most who see him remark on his striking resemblance to Billy Graham. I put a picture on here so you can judge for yourself. But, look. Doesn't he? Well, he may look like Mr. Graham, but what I appreciate is his heart for the Lord and the way he honors his wife and family, like Mr. Graham. I honor him because he is commited to his post, Hyde Park Baptist Church. I respect him because he has lived Christ-like under some real trials. Even now, he is in the midst of another storm and our church is diligently praying for him. And still, every Sunday we are guaranteed an unfiltered sermon straight from God's Word. We get a little bit of milk, potatoes, green beans and a big, fat, juicy steak. A whole meal is given to us right out of the oven, on-fire! HALLELUJAH!! It is solid doctrine. And that's why I listen to him. He tells the truth.
This is a side note. If you are in a church that is a mile long and an inch deep, something... is amiss. If you are in a church where the pastor is more concerned about his name than THE Name, run. If you are in a church where the pastor is harder to meet with than Donald Trump; careful that is an ego problem that stems from pride. And pride goeth before a fall. If you are in a church where the pastor waters down the Word or leaves it out due to fear of people leaving, you will starve spiritually; if that is the only person feeding you. Beware. We are in the times of "Tickling Ears." Make sure you are in a church where the pastor encourages, exhorts and corrects. All three are needed.
Those three are exactly what we get at Hyde Park. Sometimes it's, "You can do it saints!" Sometimes it's a Hebrew and Greek lesson. Sometimes it's getting bandages for our wounds. And, sometimes it's, "Get right with God."
Dr. Bowman is awesome. I consider him my spiritual father. He encourages me to make Jesus proud and be all I can be in His army. I am so glad and thankful that the Lord has returned me to Austin, Texas under the leadership of Dr. Bowman and part of the family at Hyde Park Baptist Church. Is he perfect? Is my church perfect? No, to both of those. But, they constantly point me to the perfect One. I love my pastor. I love my church. And, that is the unfiltered truth.
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