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In His Grip,
Lisa - Warrior, Princess

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hallelujah! Hanukkah!!

This blog is dedicated to Hal and Barbra Miner, Rabbi Murray Silberling, Julie Burkhart, the dancers of Beth Emunah and Shepherd of the Hills Church. I am truly blessed and grateful for the time I had with you. The knowledge that you shared with me regarding the Jewish roots of the Christian faith and sharing your deep passion for worshipping the Lord through dance is priceless. These are gems that I treasure and thank the Lord for. God bless you all. And Happy Hannukkah!
Baruch Ha Shem (Praise the Name)

So, what is Hanukkah anyway? Thanks to those mentioned above I am able to share. During the 2nd Century BCE, Jerusalem was controlled by a Syrian King who desecrated the Temple with false gods and unclean sacrifices. A revolt took place and the Jews regained control of the Holy City and decided to re-dedicate the Temple to the LORD. However, there was only enough oil to keep the eternal flame lit for one day. A miracle happened. The oil lasted for eight days, which is the time it takes to press, prepare and consecrate fresh olive oil. 

Recognizing that the LORD had provided, Judah, his brothers and the entire congregation of Israel decreed that the festival should be celebrated every year. It begins on the 25th day of Kislav (sometime between late November and early December according to the Gregorian calendar) for 8 nights and days. Each night a candle is lit on the chanukiah candelabra and stays lit for 30 minutes after sunset. This year it began on Dec. 1 and will end Dec. 9. During Hanukkah, also known as the Festival of Lights, children and adults play with dreidels and Latkes are a popular food eaten. And, there is celebration with praise and worship through song and dance.

As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ, please remember our Jewish brothers and sisters in Christ as they celebrate the miracle of the oil. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and that more Jews would come to know Yeshua (Jesus) as Ha Mashiach (the Messiah); who first came as the suffering servant and who will return as their, our, conquering KING.


  1. Thanks Lisa for writing this! I read the story of Hanukkah this year to my 9 & 5 year old. We are African American Christians, (you know)..:) They LOVED it!! They were amazed at what God did! They wanted to celebrate Hanukkah too! :) We are going to try and make latkes and they are going to make their own Menorahs out of clay, and we will be praying for God's people and for peace as well.

  2. This is awesome Lisa!! Thanks for sharing this! I want to bring my kids to Annett's house (God chick who posted before me). I want my kids to get to do that cool stuff too! Thanks sister!
