I would have been so embarrassed if ya'll were to see what was in my closet. It was such a mess. I had clothes with tags on because I had not worn them. There were clothes with holes or stretched out because they were old. In the corner, there were clothes too small because I am just not 22 anymore. I mean it is really ridiculous. This past weekend I decided it was time to clean the closet and get rid of some things. So, I put things in piles, washed what I was keeping and bagged up what needed to go.
This is what we need to do with our heart, souls and minds before we start writing our New Year's resolution. There are areas in our hearts that need to be given over to the Lord, thoughts in our minds that need to go and bandages on wounds that are just not working anymore. If we are going to run the race for Christ we have got to keep our temples clean. So, I'm just asking tonight, is anyone's house dirty? Is there any unfinished business that needs to happen?
We have 25 days left in this year. I am challenging us to take these last 25 days to take an inventory of ourself. What needs cleaning up? What needs healing? What needs to go? If you are not sure, ask the Lord. He will tell you. Whatever it is with the Lord's help take care of it. We don't want to end the year right, we want to end this year BEING right. Then we will be ready to hear what God has instore for us next year. And, His resolutions for us our way better than what we can think of on our own.
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