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In His Grip,
Lisa - Warrior, Princess

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

HE is There

Not too long ago, the Lord opened a door for me to serve Him by ministering to the youth in Israel. I was with many people from different parts of the world sharing the gospel on the Mediterranean Sea at a New Age Festival. This festival was a 24/7 party for two weeks. This is a side note, but paganism is still practiced today and growing. I can't even write some of the things that I witnessed there. It was heart breaking. Anyway, one of the strategies we used to attract people was the use of Israeli dance to Messianic Praise and Worship music.

We were able to talk to people and worship the Lord declaring who He is in the midst of the work of the enemy. It was a wonderful time ministering and sharing the good news of the Gospel of peace. There were times I thought, "Lord, this place is filled with everything you tell us not to practice in Your word. How can they, Your chosen people, do this? Are you even here?"

After a day, I really wanted to go to the water and worship on the sand at sunset. On the last day, three people came with me. I was really disappointed because it was overcast and I wanted the sun to be shining and it wasn't. But, we went down anyway to worship the Lord. As we danced, an onlooker took some pictures and when we were done she showed me this stunning photo.

The Lord spoke to me through this photo. He said, "I'm here."

 It was a powerful lesson for me. God called us to be salt and light to a lost and dark world. In the different places He has put us (a job, school, relationships or missions trip) we are called to proclaim His name and worship Him. That is all we have to do and He will be there. The exciting thing is that when we are obedient to the call of Matthew 28:19, He does all the work. He is the One seen and receives all the Glory. We become the backdrop for His brilliancy. 

Dirt was plowed, seeds were planted and we were blessed to see the fruit of salvation. So, now, whenever I find myself near those that many in the church would stay clear of, I practice the truth of an old Sunday School song. "This little gospel light of mine, I'm going to let it shine, let it shine, all the time." So, wherever you are, let your light shine. And know that He's there. Right there; plowing the dirt, planting seeds and reaping the Harvest He paid for on Calvary.

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