"But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;" - I Peter 2:9
It amazes me how much we want what someone else has. The woman with thick lips wants thin ones and the woman with thin wants thick. In Western Civiliazation, we are constantly comparing ourselves to others; especially people with celebrity status. We look to a person of our choice or something they have as someone we need to be, look like and/or have what they have. It's time to end that. It is high time that we embrace everything God made us to be, have what He means for us to have and look the way He designed us to look.
Look in the mirror. If you don't like what you see, begin with the Word. Declare the affirmations of Christ over you. Write those out and put them on your mirror. Allow His Word to renew your mind and the spirit of God to minister to you about you. Embrace the you He has made and planned for from the foundations of the earth.
am convinced that knowing and embracing who you are in Christ is imperative to
being a successful Christian. You are chosen. You are royalty. You are priests.
You are holy. And, yes! You are special! This is what the Lord sees when
watching you from Heaven. Lay hold of these traits that are God given. Bind
them to your heart knowledge like your name and home address. Each day walk
into your place of employment with the full understanding of your identity in
Christ. Allow it to empower you to walk with purpose, carry His message with confidence and live in total peace... with yourself.
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